
The Bank of Cashton has taken a proactive approach to protect your confidential customer information.

The bank subscribes to a powerful encryption service called MailSafe. With MailSafe, we can quickly and privately send confidential information to you in an encrypted manner.

When sensitive information is sent to you for the first time, you will receive a Registration Invitation from Bank of Cashton Email Encryption. Upon opening the email, you will be prompted to use your web browser to set-up your MailSafe account with us. Set-up is quick, simple, and only needs to be done the first time you receive a secure email from the Bank of Cashton.

Encryption Registration

You will receive an encryption registration email similar to this.  You must click on the “Click here to register” link at the bottom of the email to register for the encryption service.

MailSafe Invitation

Follow the prompts on the registration page.  Your password must be at least 8-digits in length and contain letters, numbers, and symbols.  Once you have finished completing the registration page, check mark the box to agree to the terms and conditions and click on the word “Register”.  It’s that simple!

MailSafe Registration

Subsequent uses of MailSafe will only require that you login to the Secure Email Center to see message(s).  You will use the same Email address and Password that was completed during your initial registration.

When you reply to Bank of Cashton via MailSafe, your message will also be encrypted, thereby enabling confidential information to be sent in the same safe encrypted format.


We selected this best in class service for use with our customers because protecting your personal, confidential and financial information is of the utmost importance to us.  We value our relationship with you and want to do all that we can to make you feel safe and secure transacting business with the Bank of Cashton.  If you have any questions, please contact us at (800) 205-7203.

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